10:48 | Posted in ,

Como no hay dos sin tres, antes de hacer caja en las SCOOP juegue un torneo que le tengo mucho cariño como es el €100,000 de Boss Media.

Es un torneno donde ya he cosechado varias mesas finales pero que aún no he conseguido pincharlo, caera en breve, seguro. Este fin de semana alcance la octava posición y €2,300 más al bosillo.


Y así como el que no quiere la cosa arrancamos con polvora para disparar todo el mes de mayo.

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9 responses to "BUEN DOMINGO: €100,000 de BossMEDIA"

  1. Anónimo On 4 de mayo de 2010, 20:50

    Engaaaa... Enhorabuena :)

  2. GrumpyDad08 On 6 de mayo de 2010, 10:52

    Mira que eres suertudo! Enhorabuena!

  3. AnKoIv On 11 de mayo de 2010, 23:35

    Hola valen, hemos jugado en algun torneo en vivo =), queria ver si podemos intercambiar blogs, el nuestro es

    ya mismo añado el link hacia el tuyo!

  4. Anónimo On 16 de mayo de 2010, 12:57

    estaria bien ke pusieras tambiem tus derrotas ....y ke kontaras komo fueron......asi aprederiamos todos.un saludo y sigue asi krackkkkkkkk

  5. F.Gonzalez On 31 de mayo de 2010, 22:49

    Estimados amigos, me pongo en contacto con ustedes con motivo de proponerles una alianza de colaboración entre nuestras webs, con el fin mejorar el ranking en buscadores. Poseemos una amplia red de webs de gambling de buena calidad y proponemos diferentes formas de colaboración mutua. En esta oportunidad buscamos una colaboración con nuestra web PokerFichas.es.

    Entre las formas de colaboración mutua que proponemos está el intercambio de enlaces de texto, los cuales siempre son a tres puntos por ejemplo la web A enlaza a la web B y esta enlaza a la web C, también proponemos intercambio de enlaces contextuales, intercambio de contenido, intercambio de herramientas para los usuarios como nuestra novedosa calculadora de fichas.

    Estamos abiertos a cualquier forma de colaboración siempre que haya un equilibrio entre lo que ofrecemos y lo que nos ofrecen.

    Espero que pronto podamos generar una alianza entre nuestra webs y podamos crecer en la web colaborando mutuamente.

    Quedo a la espera de su respuesta.

    Propuestas, comentarios, dudas o cualquier cuestión que deseen hacernos llegar estamos encantados en recibirlas

    Fernando Gonzalez
    SEO PokerFichas.es

  6. Jugar Poker On 5 de junio de 2010, 8:00


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    Just a friendly suggestion

    Its seriously nice reading your blog, it has such a useful information about poker and range of other subjects. Your knowledge, time and efforts are appreciated.

    Best regards,
    Jugar Poker | Juega Poker

  7. Poker On 4 de enero de 2013, 10:28


    In Texas Hold'em, you get two hole cards that other players can not see. Five cards are dealt face up one after the other to form the table. These are community cards that all players can use to assemble a poker hand with five cards.

    To form the best possible hand you can use either your two hole cards with three community cards in the table, a private card with four community cards, or just the five community cards. The player who manages to form poker hand wins the pot stronger.

    Every poker game starts with a forced bet in which poker players will fight. Texas Hold'em blinds are the small blind and the big blind. In some basic poker, players will bet strategically using possible actions available to them. Possible actions are:

    1. PASS / CHECKER: If there has not yet been bid in the round of betting, the player can pass. The action of passing forwards the action poker player sitting right next to the left (counter clockwise). Pass only suspends the right to open the tower but not the possibility of winning the pot. If all players pass the round of betting, the round is considered complete.

    2. OPEN: If there is no bid on the turn is played, a player can open. If a player opens, the player immediately placed on the left (and subsequent players) may fold, raise, or Poker-mania-bez-depozytu.

    3. FOLD: The action to lie suspend any claim to the pot. The player who folds is not required or permitted to bid for the rest of the poker game in progress. Players who lie are under no obligation to show their cards. Denied any hand can not be returned except by agreement between the players and only when the game is over.

    4. FOLLOW: If there was a bid on the current round of poker, a player can follow. The action involves follow the player aligns with the current bid placed by their opponent.

    5. PROBE: If there was a bid on the current round of betting, a player may raise. The action means that the player restart aligns with the auction of the time and place a new top. To keep the possibility of winning the pot, all players will be required to take the following recovery or raise again (re-raise). After reminders, this is the last payer stimulus has paid "to see" and it is therefore raiser show his game

  8. Poker on the internet On 4 de enero de 2013, 10:30

    Before starting a game, each player will change a sum defined in chips. This set of chips to call the "CAVE". The input table is often defined by a minimum of the CAVE, but sometimes by a maximum amount. Defines the type of auction also, indirectly, the entry in the table. The cellar should be placed on the table, this is your "CARPET", and no token must be hidden. Every player is responsible for cards that are dealt and he must protect his hands! At the beginning of the game space is (theoretically) randomly, then the game will take place then in the direction of clockwise. Learn poker free with others.

    If you join a private party going once at the table, you should wait until the current game to finish or you may have to wait for the big blind to come to the position of your seat until you are partaking in some . You may have the opportunity to build a blind in advance (to join the game without having to wait until it's your turn to bet the Blinds).

  9. Online Poker Strony On 4 de enero de 2013, 10:34

    To set the first DONOR, a draw is done by assigning each poker player a card, draw the strongest wins (if not the first person sitting at the table becomes the first DONOR). In case of a tie between players in the draw (eg AS / AS) is one who has touched the card first wins the right to give. The map is always distributed card on top of the package, never below!

    The role of the DONOR (or Dealler button) changes the direction of clockwise around the table and each player has the opportunity to be the last person to make a decision in the first round of betting. The CLIENT will have the dealer button (or dealler or D) on the table in front of him. Pocket Cards (hole poker cards) are distributed in this position, starting with the first player to the left of the Poker DONOR. The first player to the left of the SMALL BLIND will DONOR (Small Blind) and have the equivalent button in front of him, then to the left to find the SMALL BLIND BIG BLIND (Big Blind) which also has its equivalent button front of him.
    Holdem Learn like Pro

    So the betting starts with the first player to the left of the DONOR (this player is the SMALL BLIND) and continues clockwise around the poker table shows.